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Kan jag göra ett återköp om jag inte känner mig helt nöjd?

Hej! Kan jag konfigurera och testa att använda min nya dator, men sen göra ett återköp om jag inte känner mig helt nöjd? Får jag även tillbaka pengarna för det köpta microsoft windows-paketet?


  • Hej Klara!

    Du har 30 dagar från det att ni har tagit emot paketet som privatperson.
    Detta gäller dock ej för företagskunder!
    Angående om du får pengarna tillbaka för microsoft windows-paketet så är svaret ja!
    Dock så står ni som kund för fraktkostnaden vid ångrat köp!
    Bifogar köpvillkor här som du kan läsa igenom om du vill ha mer information.

    Köpvillkor - Inrego

    Hoppas detta besvarade din fråga men tveka inte att kontakta oss igen om du har andra frågor eller funderingar!

    Ha en fin dag!
  • Can business customer also return or replace apple lap if not satisfied
  • Hello Navneet,

    Thank you for your question about returning a product.

    Here you an read about our terms of purchase as a business customer:
    Purchasing Terms for B2B
    These purchase terms apply to companies when purchasing equipment from Inrego. Used equipment is sold as-is, with a 10-day exchange right. For returns or uncollected goods, an administration fee of 10% of the total order amount will be charged, with a minimum fee of 495 SEK excluding VAT. The buyer is responsible for all shipping costs. We reserve the right to final sale, price changes, and any factual errors that may appear on our website or in our advertisements. We also reserve the right that product images displayed on our website may not always match the product.

    Important for Support and Returns
    Always have your receipt/order number/invoice number and photo evidence available when contacting us.

    To make a complaint, contact our customer service via:

    • Contact form
    • Email: support@inrego.se
    When contacting Inrego, provide the order/invoice number and the product's serial number or Inrego's device ID to receive a prepaid shipping label with an assigned return number. Inrego covers the return shipping costs if the item is defective or incorrectly delivered. If the right of withdrawal is exercised, the consumer is responsible for return shipping. Complaints are subject to the Swedish Sale of Goods Act (1990:931), which allows the buyer to file a complaint within a reasonable time from when the defect is discovered, up to 2 years after purchase. It is recommended to contact support as soon as possible for quicker handling.

    If you have any other questions, please let us know and we´ll get back to you as soon as possible.

    Best regards,

    Sofia Customer Service Representative

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